Saturday, July 14, 2018

Global Design Project -146 Sketch Challenge

Its that time again! Another week and another challenge and this week the Global Design Project blog has another fabulous one

This sketch has had me stuck for most of the week.  I did have one main goal - to keep it simple.  Nothing super fancy but nice clean lines and to keep my colour usage to a minimum.  Here's what I came up with:

Sympathy cards are not ones I normally enjoy to make, but I appreciate the love a friend or family member would have to receive a special card made for them showing just how much you care.

This card was a simple one to put together and came together relatively quickly.

I started with a panel of water colour paper and used my Soft Sea Foam, Pear Pizzazz & Old Olive inks.  I created a simple wash graduated background.  Then I used my Old Olive Stampin' Write marker to create some speckles on the background.

A simple panel of vellum and of course the amazing Nature's Roots Framelits tied the whole thing together.

I love participating in these challenges and encourage you to check out the Global Design Project blog and play along!

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