Saturday, March 13, 2010

It's been a long time

It's been a long time since I last posted and it's amazing how time flys. In the course of almost a year I have sold my house, got married and moved into a new place. My scrapbooking stuff has been in boxes for months and I'm just itching at getting it all set up again.

Thought I would share a new card I put together:

Birthday card for my sister, I used a Basic Grey kit and Making Memories letters for the title.

This turned out to be one of my favorite cards I put together.

Hopefully soon I will locate the cord for my camera and I can put up some more stuff. You have got to love moving and having everything stashed away...kind of like a really big treasure hunt - you never know what your going to find.
Since I'm setting up a new house I have been playing all over the web and looking for new stuff to inspire me. I'm not sure if its spring coming on or just a change in style right now but for me its all about the green (really trying hard not to splash green all over the house) LOL.
Well I hope to keep up with the posts and stay in touch. I kind of missed playing around online and glad to be back and all set up. Till next time...............

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